シンガポール到着後。医者に直行。私の風邪は悪化して、咳は止まらず、喉が激痛。Dr Chook はアジアの医者らしく大量の薬を処方してくれた。おかげで風邪はよくなりつつある。が、Jasonが風邪をもらい、アラタの鼻水と咳は治まらず・・・。


Just after arriving in Singapore, I went to see a doctor. My cold didn't get better especially in the dry plane. It's in Singapore. The doctor gave me dozens of tablets and I've felt much better. But Jason got my cold now and Arata is still coughing and having runny nose.
We met Paul, Ting and Ting's wife, Steffanie. They have a 1.5 years old daughter Kylie and now expecting their second in February. We also met Glynis and her daughter Kei for lunch. There are so many dishes I must eat and so many things I must do in Singapore. 2 days are not enough especially when we are suffering from a jet lag. I could just manage to eat COCA steamboat, Chicken rice, Laksa and Popia. I missed Ha Kuh Teh.. We went to a chinese tea house in China town and had coffee at Goodwood Park Hotel, where coffee is prepared in front of us. No time to go shopping but I had a foot massage done.

On the second night, Paul and Ting took us to the hawker centre in East Coast. Arata must love Singaporean food. He ate a lot. He especially liked fish porridge and fed himself with hands! He also learnt to use a straw and had Soya Bean juice and Sugar Cane juice, both typical Singaporean!
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