
Today is the last time to attend the play group at Christ church. I will be at work on Wednesday from next week. This is the most favourite group and I feel a little bit sad. Arata was playing with Jama, who is about the same age, when I caught him eating the biscuit Jama had been eating just before... (Photo 1)
At lunch, when Luke and Arata were sitting side by side in high chairs, Arata bit Luke's finger! Of course, Luke cried. Arata's mouth was wide open just before he did bite Luke. (Photo 2)
In the afternoon, Arata had the second nursery settle-in session for 1.5 hours. When I passed him to a carer, he tried to come back to me and started to cry. When he realised he could not get me, he screamed. But when I waved my hand saying, 'Bye bye!' he still waved back. His bye-bye must be automatic!! Arata was being looked after by his main carer Carrie when I went to pick him up because he was crying again.
うちはどうかな、バイバイの意味、わかってるのかなぁ。でも最近はどこでも預けるときは泣くので、ママがどこかへ行っちゃうってのはよくわかってきた。でもジムの託児所では昨日はやっと泣かなくて、安心してwork outできてよかった。泣かれるとこっちも後ろ髪ひかれる思いだよね。>
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