Arata cries a lot at nursery. I hate dropping him off every morning because when he cries on the way I feel guilty. Most of the morning at nursery, Arata is still tearful, but things are getting better day by day.
Jason goes to work earlier and tries to pick Arata up at around 5 pm. When he arrived at nursery on the first day, he was being held by a carer and started to cry as soon as he saw Jason. On the second day, Arata was lying on the lap of a carer and started to cry again when he saw Jason. On the third day, for the first time Arata wasn't with a carer and Jason couldn't spot Arata immediately. But Arata found daddy. When Jason looked down, Arata was holding his legs, nearly crying, but didn't cry.
It's obvious that Arata had a stressful 3 days. It's so difficult to put him sleep in the evening. He keeps crying and doesn't want to go to bed. Once he wakes up in the middle of the night, he won't go back to sleep until we pick him up. As we are too tired, we end up putting him in our bed... On top of that, he's already got tummy bugs and a cold. He had a temperature, 38.5C, this afternoon.
Getting up at 7am, dropping Arata off at nursery, going to work and staying until 6pm....... I did this routine for 3 days and I didn't realise how tired I was. On Thursday, I couldn't resist going back to bed after feeding Arata breakfast. I then slept till 1 o'clock! Arata was also sleeping with me for almost the same amount of time. He must have been tired as well.
Arata played with Thoma and Luke today. It was so cute to see 3 boys the same size playing together. When one of them went to one toy, others followed and often all of them were playing head to head. Arata is in underwear in this photo. After taking nurofen, he was stripped off to reduce his temperature.
辛いね、仕事の日は。いつもあらたん 泣いちゃうのか。ストレスもたまっちゃうよね。うちもきっとあづけたらそうだろうな。この前日本人ママの集まりで大勢ちびっこがいて、他の子とあそばせようとしたけど、もうあたしにぴったりくっついて、かたときも離れず。おまけにめそめそしてたし。男の子の方が繊細なのかしら?あらたんも大変だけどlaksaさんも大変だね。つかれすぎて過労でたおれたりしないようにね。>
お疲れ様!! あらた君もストレスだし パパ&ママもぐったりしてしまって ほんとにつらいね。でもこれを乗り越えれば きっと良い思い出になるよ。気長にがんばって!!>
それでも、同じWorking Mumとして、応援してます。
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