結局今週は会社に行けなかった。3週間前から引いていた風邪をこじらせて、先週末から微熱。月曜の夜にNHS Direct に電話すると、悪化しているので翌日にGPへ行くようにと指示される。こんなに具合が悪くて、薬もくれるかわからないGPにわざわざ行く気がしない。それでも、いつも行くクリニックが緊急スロットも一杯だからと、わざわざバスでGoldsworth Parkのクリニックまで行った。待合室にいる間が最悪の極地で、顔中がだるく、鼻が止まらない。この国の医者にしては珍しく、鼻の中、喉をきちんとチェックして、体温まで測ってくれた。サイノシス(急性副鼻腔炎)ということで抗生物質をもらえた。
I didn't go to work at all this week. The cold I'd had for more than 3 weeks has got worse and I've got the secondary infection. I rang NHS Direct for some advice on Monday and a nurse suggested me going to see a doctor. But I didn't feel like going because it's more possible that I can get anything from GP even if I make an effort to get there in freezing cold weather. But I desperately needed any help.... I went to the clinic in Goldsworth Park by bus, as my normal clinic nearby was fully booked. While I was in the waiting room, my conditions were the worst. Around my nose was so heavy and dull and I couldn't stop blowing my nose. The GP, surprisingly unusually, looked at my throat and nose and even took the temperature! I've got acute sinus. And I got antibiotics as a reward!
After all, I've complained about my terrible conditions to GPs twice in the last 2 weeks, when I took Arata there. But both GPs told me they can not do anything unless I have a cold for more than 4 weeks. I am really disappointed. NHS don't have sense of 'prevention'. We are only seen by a doctor and receive treatments when we develop proper disease.
The day before yesterday, Arata looked so sleepy after he came home. As worried, he developed high temperature at night. But as I was feeling terrible and I didn't think I could look after him on Wednesday, and Jason couldn't take a day off, we sent Arata to the nursery after dropping his temperature by giving some Calpol. And my fear became true. I got a phone call from the nursery at 3 o'clock saying Arata is running a high temperature at 38.7C. I hurried to collect him at nursery. When I found him, Arata was sitting wearing only a nappy! I felt so guilty.... Sorry Arata...
I didn't go to work but Arata was at nursery from Monday to Wednesday. So I could manage to have some proper rest. Yet my recovery is very slow. I still feel very uncomfortable around my nose and have a mild headache. I wasn't sure if I could look after Arata today if he'd developed some more temperature. And I asked Jason to stay home. Actually, Jason has a cold as well and in the end, Arata was ok today.
みんな 調子悪くなって大変だね。自分も調子悪い時に子供の面倒みるのってつらいもんね。なんか去年からずーっと風邪ひいたり体調悪いの続いてるね。大丈夫?きっとつかれもたまってるんだよね。それにしても イギリスの医療体制って聞いてていらいらしちゃう。日本の薬だしすぎの医療もどうかとも思うけど、全然何もしてくれないのも考え物だよね。>
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