Our flat is too messy. Yesterday, I threw up because it was too dirty. Well, I was feeling dizzy from sinus anyway but when I saw the dirty toilet, I really vomited. How embarrassing that you feel sick by looking at the toilet at your own flat. I decided to clean the toilet today.
We have two bathrooms. When I had also finished cleaning the second bathroom and came out, I saw the toilet brush for the first bathroom was taken out and thrown into the bath tab. Wow, dirty! It must be Arata. I then came into the lounge. And I found Arata biting the toilet brush holder. I thought I was going to throw up again!
In the U.K., lots of babies are wearing nice shoes, regardless of the fact they can walk. At nursery, babies and toddlers are wearing shoes all day. We don't think such small children in Japan or New Zealand are wearing shoes all day because we think bear foot is better for feet. British wear shoes at home so babies wearing shoes is very British culture?
At nursery, in the older children's group, they often go out to the garden to play. As Arata doesn't usually wear shoes, I was asked if Arata's got a pair. He has a cute squeaky sandals from Singapore but I've decided to buy a proper pair and we went to the Clarks. They have a trained shoe-fitter for children and she measured Arata's foot length and width. (His size is '4G'.) And she took a photo of Arata in the new pair of shoes and gave it to us as a present. The Clarks do it when children first bought a pair. The shoes cost 25 pounds but they will last only for 2 months???
アキラは、もらい物の靴がわんさかあるんだけど、なんだかイマイチあわなくって、結局買ってる。こっちもShoe fitterがClarksに居るけど、私は今日はターゲットというスーパー(UKで言うASDAのようなところ)で、皮のスニーカーを買って来た。$21なり。これが、クラークスだと35ドル以上になってたと思う。外に出ると地面が焼けるほど熱いので、Bob the builderのサンダルを今まで履いてたんだけど、こんど春の日本に帰るんで、きちんとした靴を買った次第。でも、アキラは靴好きで、家の中でも履きたがるんだよね。>
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