My mum has arrived from Japan. She is going to look after Arata and do all the house keeping for a week, while I have proper rest. Jason is still not feeling well, either. He has some stomach problem and a couple of mouth ulcers.... Don't pass them to me, Jason.
Arata hasn't seen my mum for about 4 months but has got used to her quickly. This morning, Arata was asked by her, 'Have you done poo?' and he nodded. Then, he started to walk to our bedroom, where we usually change his nappies, and pointed her the nappy changing mat and nappy wipes. After she finished nappy change, she left the lid of nappy wipe box open. Arata closed it for her. Well done, Arata!
アラタ君、すごーい!! おばあちゃんに 色々教えてあげられるなんて。。。 ママ達がダウンしているから自分がしかっりしなければーって思ったのかな。 この間にlaskaさんはゆっくり休んでくださいね。>
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