昨日、私はますみちゃんとSouthamptonの少し先、BrockenhurstのSENSPAでSpa Day!丸一日の滞在で、マインド&ボディクラスから始まり、ボディマッサージ、フェイシャル、スパやリラクゼーションルームでリラックス。タイ料理のランチがついていて、本当にのんびり。おかげで昨晩は爆睡。気分転換にたまにはこういう贅沢が必要だわ。
暖かくなってきて、私たちの体調もよくなってきたので外出気分。今日はお昼に車で30分ちょっとのウインザーへ行った。ランチを食べて、350年もので建物が傾いているティーハウス、Crooked Houseでクリームティー。テムズ川沿いを散歩すると、かもや白鳥が岸にたくさん寄ってくる。アラタは指差しながら「おっ、ダッ(ダック)。」

Yesterday, I went to a Spa Day at SENSPA, in Brockenhurst, near Southampton, with Masumi. We stayed the whole day and had a Mind & Body class, body massage and facial. We had a Thai 2 course lunch and relaxed at the spa & a nice relaxation room as well. We really wound down. Sometimes, I need this sort of break....
It's getting warmer and we feel like going out. We went to Windsor for lunch today. It's just over a half an hour drive. After lunch, we went to a 350 year old tea room, Crooked House, which is not standing straight, and had my favourite - cream tea! We then walked along the river Thames. Lots of swans and ducks were at the bank and Arata was saying, "Oh, Du!" (= Duck)
We found a small fun fair and Arata rode the merry-go-round with different sorts of cars. He had been on similar toy cars before but only when they were not moving. This was his first time to be on a moving ride. (It was only 50P per ride.) Arata was steering the wheel very well. After that, we walked in a park. Arata didn't stop but kept walking for such a long distance... I took lots of photos for a change and have decided to upload a lot!
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