ドイツから遊びに来ているあずささん達とかおりさん一家で Wapping の Turks Head に集合。響(アンドリュー)くん、あめりちゃん、アラタは3ヶ月の誤差範囲内で生まれたので、Wappingに住んでいた頃はベイビーヨガやマッサージから昼間のお茶まで、しょっちゅう会っていて、あずささんの妹のさやかさんの娘、あゆみちゃんを合わせて、イニシャルがAの「Aモンキーズ」を結成?していた。
私もあずささんも、子供が小さいうちはしばらく日本に住めたらと思っている。だから、日本に駐在の条件で転職して、来月家族で行ってしまうかおりさん一家のご主人のアレンに、Jason もクリストフも少しは感化されてほしいという期待もあったが、成果のほどは…?

We went to the Turks Head in Wapping to see Azusa and Kaori's families. Azusa's are on holidy in London at the moment and it was nearly 8 months ago when they moved to Germany. Kaori's Andrew, Azusa's Amelie and Arata were all born within 3 months and we often met up before we moved to Woking. All of our children plus Azusa's niece Ayumi have a name beginning with A and we called them as 'A monkeys'.
When we met up last time, only Andrew could walk but now all of them can, Andrew can even run!. Once we took them to the play ground next to the cafe, they didn't want to leave. We can never have a chat over a coffee any longer. We now have to keep an eye on them every single second!
Azusa and I think it will be better for our children to spend some time in Japan, or one of the Asian countries for me, when they are young. So we were a little bit hoping that Alan, Kaori's husband, could inspire Jason and Kristoff, because he has found a new job as an expatriate to Japan and Kaori's family are moving to Tokyo next month. Let's see if it worked.....
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