The baby is due tomorrow. No signs yet. Well, I can't remember what sort of signs I felt before the labour, anyway. My appointment of C-section is on next Monday anyway so the baby is born next Monday at latest. This evening is the last Monday evening for me as 'a mother of one!'
When we are sitting at meal, Arata often checks the seat of each of us. He points at each chair saying, 'Obachan ('grandma' in Japanese, he can only pronounces this word 'bappon'), Koko (here)', 'Daddy, Koko', 'Mama, Koko', 'Naomi, Koko' and 'Arata, Koko.' His 'Koko' sounds so cute with a bit of baby accent.
Arata played with Thoma and Matts for a short time this afternoon. When we were getting back inside, I was holding Arata's hand to walk. I said to Arata, 'Can you also hold Thoma's hand?' he stretched other hand to Thoma trying to hold him saying, 'O-te-te, O-te-te ('Hand, hand': Japanese baby word for 'hand')' It was so cute. Thoma didn't get it and he walked away but I felt I will be able to see them walking holding their hands quite soon!
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