昨日はロンドンの日本大使館へ行った。アラタカラをダブルバギーに乗せてJasonなしでロンドンへ行くのは初めて。Woking駅からWaterlooまではいいのだが、ロンドンの地下鉄が難所。大使館のあるGreen Park駅は、改札までは、(リフトはない)エスカレーターでどうにかたどり着くが、そこから地上までは階段のみ。アラタだけの頃は、見知らぬ人に手伝ってもらうのがなんとなく悪い気がして、バギーの階段での引きずり上げ下ろしもさくっとこなして(3輪バギーだからできる)いたが、さすがに二人乗っていると重い。腹を括ってお手伝いを待つことにした。
すると驚いたことに日本人のビジネスマンが「お手伝いしましょうか。」日本人でもこんなに気持ちのいい人がいるのねーと嬉しくなった。とても寒い日だったけれども、意外な日本人の親切に気分がよくなって、帰りはWestminster駅までGreen Parkを散歩することにした。写真はバッキンガム宮殿の前とグリーンパーク内で撮ったもの。アラタしか見えないけど、下の段にタカラが寝ている。何人もの人に「あれ、赤ちゃんも乗っていたの?」とびっくりされるバギーよ。

I went to London with AraTakara for the first time yesterday. From Woking to Waterloo is quite easy. The problems are at London Underground. Most of the stations are still not step free. At Green Park station, where we went, until the ticket gates level, we can use the escalator (but no lift). From there to the ground, we have to use steps. When I had only Arata, I felt a bit self conscious and I tried to drag buggy up and down stairs. (We can do it with 3-wheelers easily,although it's heavy.) But with 2 children on a double buggy it is different. Too heavy! I made up my mind and plucked up my courage to wait for someone's help.
Surprisingly, a Japanese business man approached me and helped us. I was so impressed and felt so nice after that. I thought Japanese are most likely to just ignore us in these situations. As his kindness warmed me up, I decided to walk back to Westminster station, on our way home. We walked through Green Park, even though it was freezing cold, but the sky was clear. In these photos, you can only see Arata. But underneath, Takara is lying. Lots of people get surprised to find out there is another baby sleeping below. You don't expect 2 children on board in this compact buggy.
We went to London again today. To Wapping to see my friends and their children. I also managed to go to see my friend from University, who came here on business, while leaving AraTakara with the friends. Well, moving around in London is not too bad after all. Lots of people offer help, and we can get on a black cab without collapsing the buggy and with AraTakara still on it.
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