

Takara's last set of initial immunisation jabs. They are all booster of the ones he had before (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Hib, Men C and PCV) and he had 3 shots! I hadn't wanted to start cold to spread in our family because we are going back to Japan next week, and also I didn't want to postpone today's immunisation. But without knowing my concern, Jason and Arata have caught a cold in very bad timing. Of course, Takara has started coughing with blocked & runny nose since 2 days ago.
As Takara didn't have any temperature, immunisation went ahead. Takara always has a cold when he has jabs. It must be tougher for him if he's got a cold.
I just had a look at my weblog when Arata had his 3rd injections.
To my surprise, I postponed it as Arata had a cold. I'm quite sure that it was a very mild cold because Arata didn't have a bad one at least in the first 6 months. I must have been very careful with Arata or the first child...
An Italian (Josie) invited Japanese (Yuko and I) to a Japanese lunch at her place. She loves cooking. The food was nice and the presentation was 'Modern European' style. Shall we call it 'Fusion Japanese'? Children were eating pasta and when greedy Arata tried to eat the leftover of Thoma, Yuko suggested Arata feeding Thoma and surely he did! After each spoon, Arata said, "Oishii ne (it's tasty, isn't it?)." He even wiped Thoma's mouth with a piece of tissue. Arata behaved as a big boy! Arata, it's only 2 months to go till Takara starts to wean. I'll count on you!
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