Yesterday, I took Aratakara to Tokyo to see Mana. Fumie, Mana's mum, is a friend from a mothers and children site on the Internet. I started to go to the site when I was still pregnant with Arata. I have a couple of 'close' friends from the site. Even though most of us have never met in the real life, we know each other very well because we often go to each other's weblog and we talk to each other on Skype or on the message board of the site.
Mana is very charming and full of beans. She is a pure Japanese but as I've seen her on Fumie's weblog, she looks as if she was a half European. While Fumie and I were chatting over coffee, Mana and Arata were running around at the spacious entrance hall of Marunouchi Oazo. Arata likes lively girls and surely he liked Mana's company. Since we came home, he has kept taking his purple bag, a present from them, in his hands and says, "Mana gave it to me."
こちらこそお土産ありがとう!! やっとUSBを見つけてうちも ブログアップ
できたよ。 あらたん、ちゃんと「まなちゃんから」ってちゃんと覚えてるなんて
賢しこいね。 気に入ってくれて嬉しいわ。>
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