Saturday 3 March 2007

2Y2M 21W6D 今日も忙しかったね Busy Sunday








We went to

cafe Bambire, the one with play area,

to see Yuko's 2 sons, Kenta and Tetsu, and her husband. I've got to know her through a mother and children message board and it was the first time to see them. I took Aratakara to the cafe to see Soo Mi, my friend from high school, on Thursday as well. We must be regulars there! Kenta is only a month older than Arata. And Tetsu is also a month older than Takara. Yuko and I can share lots of similar feelings towards our little monkeys. Yuko gave Aratakara nice books. Thank you, Yuko!

In the afternoon, Ueda and Hagichan came to see us. We were going to have a chat relaxingly over coffee but it didn't go that way. I only got to know we were also expecting my brother, Hiro, in the last minute! I went upstairs to talk to my friends for a while then downstairs to my brother, and upstairs...... Hiro saw Takara for the first time.

And..... finally, Jason has arrived!

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