ビジネスクラスで(どうして? 譲ったのよ!)
Jasonと久しぶりにデートもした。実家から歩いて2分のところに素敵なイタリアンがある。こんな住宅地の真ん中にあるのが不思議な、ヨーロッパにあるレストラン風で、前から気になっていた所だ。シェフはイタリアで2年の修行を終えたばかり。オーナーはお台場や六本木の元シェフで、自宅に近いこの場に念願のお店を開いたそうだ。料理もワインもおいしくて、ほろ酔い気分になった私は、ロンドンのウエストエンドにいる錯覚に陥った。(『アマレットヒロ Amaretto Hiro』 さいたま市見沼区堀崎町1661 砂サンシャインシティ2番館102 Tel: 048-688-7800)
After a week of stay, Jason has gone back on
business class. (Why? Well, he got it!)
Including the trip to hot spring, we spent a busy week.
Jason made a debut at park with Arata. In Japan, "Koen (Park) Debut" is important for mothers with small children. They go to nearby park regularly and get into mothers' circle. Well, of course, shy Jason didn't make friends but he went to a couple of parks with Arata, where lots of mums and children are gathering,. He must have enjoyed it because he understands Japanese and other people didn't know about it. Jason could quietly listen to what they were talking about.
Jason and I had a night out on Thursday. We went to an Italian restaurant, only 2 minutes walk from my parents. The atmosphere is very European and it's rather a bit mismatching to the residential area. The main cook had just come back from 2 year training in Italy. The owner was a former cook in Odaiba and Roppongi in Tokyo. He opened his own restaurant near his family home 2 years ago. The food and wine were so good. I got tipsy and I felt as if we were in the West End. (Amaretto Hiro Italian Restaurant - Saitama shi, Minuma ku, Horisaki cho 1661 Tel: 048-688-7800)
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