I went to 2 reunions in the last week. One is the baseball club from University. The other one is the Softball club at high school. I haven't seen them for about 15 years. Most of them got married with their first love in their 20s. Very typical and ideal in my generation. As good as they were at school. They were always model students. Their children are junior high or high school age. Incidentally, the husbands of my softball friends went to the same university as I, which means their husbands and my baseball friends graduated from the same university. After attending both gatherings I felt so wired. Because their stories are more or less the same.
The male friends from baseball club work very hard, doing long overtime work and often at work on weekends. Those from softball club told me their husbands are very busy at work and they hardly ever spend time with family. Very interestingly, nearly all children from both groups go to "private" junior and high schools, where children have to take very hard exams to get in.
Jason comes home without being so late but I still sometimes feel he is very busy. I would not be able to be a wife of a Japanese man for sure. I also feel relieved that I don't have to bring Aratakara in Japan.
I was very impressed none of my friend have every divorced as well. Even in Japan, lots of marriages end up with divorce nowadays. They are still model students?
Jason & Laksaさん、Phil &Tedの件ありがとう!そうか、やっぱりジッパーをしてたのね。私は、Instruction通り、Unzipしたんだけど、不安定になる上に、指摘の通りToo flatだったの。ジッパーを半分位あげたんだけど、それでもやっぱり同じだったけど、Jasonのアドバイス通り、きちんとあげてしまえば少し安定するみたいなので、早速これで明日出かけてみるよ。以前、これで連れ出したら、芝しか無い歩道の上を押してたら、大河は頭をゴンゴン打つから泣いて足をバタバタして、下から上に居る明を蹴るもんだから、明も「Ouch, Ouch」といい続けて、可愛そうだったんだ。
でも、注目浴びるのわかるなぁ。こっちで使い始められた時みたいな感じかな。ブログにも乗せたけど、私たちの買った新しいApple Greenって色は、まだ新しいから目だつよ。日本にいつかえるか分かんないけど、持って帰ったら、ジロジロ見られるだろうなぁ。
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