朝、目を覚ますと幸せ一杯の表情でおしゃべりしているタカラ。少し長く眠るアラタを起こさないように、早起きしている両親のところへタカラを連れて行って、私は二度寝。しばらくうとうとしていると、「アラタ いっぱい ねんねした」「起きよっか」と隣に寝ているアラタに起こされる毎日…。
Up until a few weeks ago, Takara only went to sleep at 11pm after Arata goes to bed at about 8.30. It was a good routine for me as Takara could "sleep thorough" if it was only from 11pm. But he's started to wake up for feed again. It's probably because he gets hungry as he grows and I haven't started his weaning yet.
Getting up to feed in the middle of the night directly affects my energy on the following day. My mum suggested I should try putting Takara in bed one hour earlier every day. It wasn't as difficult as I thought. Takara now goes to sleep almost at the same time as Arata. And my parents and I have enough time to have chat over a glass of beer!
When Takara wakes up in the morning, he happily starts to talk to himself. I pick him up and take him downstairs to my parents, who get up early, and I go back to sleep again. After a while, Arata wakes up. He usually says, "Arata Ippai Nenne shita. (Arata's had lots of sleep.)" And he wakes me up saying, "Okiyokka. (Let's get up.)"
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