久しぶりに Baby Clinic でタカラの体重測定。7.86Kg。1ヶ月で約500g増えた。離乳食は3週間目に突入。まだ一回食だけれども、とにかくよく食べる。アラタの時の3倍ぐらいは食べているんじゃないかな。アラタにはおかゆとか手作りしたのに、全然食べてくれなかった。タカラは日本から大量に買ってきたベビーフードがメインだけれど、もりもり食べる。よく聞く話しだ・・・。
Takara weighed 7.86Kg today at baby clinic. He gained 500g in a month. Well, he eats a lot. He started to wean less than 3 weeks ago and he still has one meal a day. But he probably eats 3 times more than Arata did at the same age. I cooked everything from scratch for Arata but he didn't eat much. I mostly use baby food I bought back from Japan to Takara but he eats a lot. I've heard so many similar stories!
Sophie the giraffe.
The teether every single French baby has. Yuko bought one for Arata before. He didn't fancy it that much but Takara loves it! Without Sophie, Takara couldn't survive. When nothing works to calm down Takara, I always put Sophie into his mouth. He stops grizzling immediately! He hasn't got any teeth yet, though.
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