As our Phil and Ted buggy has kept flat tires, we go out with only a single buggy. With one hand, I push the buggy and with another hand, I hold Arata's hand. Except for my occasional frustrations, when we are in a hurry Arata seems to walk too slowly, I don't find it inconvenient. Arata hasn't had a nap during day and he probably doesn't need a buggy any more.
Because Arata is not strapped to the buggy, he helps my shopping. He puts stuff into the shopping basket and takes them out onto the conveyor at the casher. He sometimes carries a light shopping bag. On our way home, Arata always says, "Let's go to the cafe." Then he runs towards Starbuks and without looking back at us, he gets in ans sits at a table waiting for us.
Arata's favourite is raspberry frappe. He always insists that he doesn't want to 'share' it with me. I ask him, "Who bought this frappe?" and Arata says, "Mama did" so I go, "See, I will have some!" Every time, we have this conversation (threatening?)....
Until only a couple of months ago, it was stressful to go out with Arata. He would run away quickly and I always had to chase after him. But now, it's quite fun to go out with him.
By the way, Arata didn't cry as much as before when he had his hair cut. He was sitting on his own and let his hair cut although he cried a bit.
うちは ダブルバギーかわなかったから ずいぶん前からスペンサーは歩きだよ。
で、つかれたらあたしが おんぶ。
それにしても あらたくんは あっというまに すごくお兄ちゃんだね。
あたしも スペンサーと 一緒にカフェとかいきたいな。
でも あーちゃんが じっとしてないなー、きっと。
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