月曜日にチャイルドクリニックで体重測定。アラタは11.25Kg。(前回は裸で量ったので)数値で見るほど劇的に増加したわけではないが1ヶ月で200gは増えただろうか。Growth Spurt(成長期)かな。身長も伸びたようで自転車のペダルに足が届くようになった。タカラは8.62Kg。
Worplesdon Placeパブ
On Monday, we went to the child clinic to have Aratakara weighed. Arata was 11.25kg. Considering he was weighed naked last time and not this time, he has still put on about 200g in a month. It's really good. Probably he has reached another growth spurt? He has grown taller and now can reach the pedals on his bike. Takara was 8.62kg.
We went to
Worplesdon Place pub
today with friends.
The pub has a large garden and a pond.
Children were running around without stopping! There were lots of ducks and geese. It's a bit annoying because Takara kept picking up their 'droppings' and put them into his mouth! And as expected, Arata kept screaming when ducks came to near him, saying "I'm scared, let's go home!', while other kids were happy feeding them! Apart from these, it's a very family friendly pub.
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