
Arata sang Christmas Carols yesterday at nursery. Children had been practicing songs for a while and Arata has been singing 'Jingle Bells' or 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' often at home. It was full of parents at nursery. I think it's around this age that children can start to do this sort of activities and parents were there to see their children's 'first' such appearance.
Children walked to the 'stage' in line, and sat down on the floor. They sang about 10 songs and when it came to the turn of the children who were in the relevant costume to the song, they stood up, while everyone was singing. When Arata found us there, he tried not to show emotions, he didn't smile but kept his poker face till the end. Jason said Arata was really self conscious. (Later Arata told me he got surprised to see us.) Arata wasn't singing at all. But not only him, most of the children were not. Arata was in 'Christmas Pudding' costume. I dressed up Takara with it today.
アキラは、一生懸命、「Santa's coming...」と歌の練習を毎日してるよ。私たちの知らない歌なので、イマイチ、歌詞がわかんないんだけど、何か手に持ってるまねして歌うので、どんな事をするのか楽しみ。衣装は、トナカイのT-shirtを着せるだけ、、、え?手抜きすぎ。^^;
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