It's been hot. About 25C every day. Aratakara makes most of it and they play on our balcony. I feel it's worth paying our expensive rent!
We went to Adiba's today. They set up a small puddling pool in their garden. Arata at first said the water was too cold but after Takara took off his clothes and started to play, Arata followed him. Seeing our children playing around naked in friend's garden, while friend's child was not naked, was a bit embarrassing. But in the end, Jamal, who was shy enough at the beginning and went to hide to get changed, also took off his clothes and joined Aratakara.
I learnt letting children naked outside is a great idea. They really enjoyed it and it was so natural. Of course, if we have a garden, it will be better, but they can probably do the same in our balcony. Without being taught, Arata did pee standing for the first time in his life, and Takara had wee squatting.
Oh, yes, it was Adiba's garden! I said, "Sorry for my kids peeing in your garden." Adiba said, "Don't worry, Jamal has done a lot already and the cat next door comes and pee & poo." No wonder Jamal finished his potty training just after he turned 2. He was the youngest who ditched nappies among Arata's friends. I can remember Jamal was running around in the garden when he was just 1 and a half years old. Even looking at Takara today, it's a good chance to feel and see what he was doing, peeing, and I'm sure it's good for potty training. Well, of course, I put some water after my children's wee....
Awww, that it so cool. Honest! Being naked is the most natural thing in the world.
Loved the bit about potty training... I will soon be practising that with my new puppy! :-) Please come and see him any time after 29th May - apparently the new puppy needs to meet a LOT of strangers and especially children to get properly socialised so that as an adult dog, he will be relaxed and happy with meeting any and all people and in any kind of situations.>
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