アラタに続き、今週からタカラも幼稚園Taska Linに通い始めた。タカラの幼稚園はちょっと遠く、朝のお迎えバンが週3日しか空いていない上に、帰りのバンは2時半組全てが埋まっているので、しょうがない、12時半までの保育にしてもらい、週二回はタクシーで送っていくことにした。
そこまでしても、Taksa Linがいいと思ったのは、園内が明るく、庭も自然が一杯で、子供が自由に遊んでいるから。Lin先生を初めみんなとてもやさしいのでタカラも楽しく過ごせるかな。
Takara has started to go to kindergarten, Taska Lin, from this week. This place is a bit far from our flat and their school van is not available every morning and no space at 2.30 van. So he comes back at 12.30 instead of 2.30 and I have to take him to them by taxi twice a week.
Still we want to insist on sending him to this kindergarten. It's because the place is so airy and bright with beautiful garden. Children are playing happily and teachers are all nice. Takara can surely enjoy his stay with them.
Hopefully, I want to send him till 2.30 and once any van space becomes available, I will send him till 2.30. In the meantime, I will probably ask our Amah to look after him when I am busy.
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