Tree Tops 幼稚園。Shamが気に入ったと言うので連れて行ってもらった。週二回日本人の先生による日本語クラスが任意で取れるのが魅力的。12時まで、2時半まで、5時半までと選べて延長保育とスクールバス有。一クラス15人までの少人数制で、タカラの年だと先生が二人。ここだとアラタはやっぱり2004年生まれ組になるので、一番若いから、一学年落とすことになるかなあ。英国の教育方針を取り入れながらのマレーシア式なので、中国語、英語、マレー語が入ってきてかなりお勉強が中心。庭に日陰がなくて暑いのと、教室が比較的狭くて暗めなので、一日中閉じ込められることになりそうなところがちょっとマイナス。
Taska Lin。Taska Naniaで先生をしていたリン先生が始めたシュタイナー教育を取り入れた幼稚園。IWAの隣なのでうちから遠いし蚊が多そうだから敬遠していたが、そこに住居も構えるリン先生によると、毎朝子供達の登園前に庭の周りに蚊取り線香を何本も置いて炊くし、外遊び前には蚊避けクリームを子供に塗ってくれる。それでもちょっと気になるが、それを上回るメリットがありそうな幼稚園。子供達がのびのびと自由に遊んでいるから。道理で外国人のお母さんが口を揃えて「うちの子はTaska Linへ行っています」って言うわけで、確かにヨーロピアンの子供が多い。
リン先生は、マレーシアの早期教育が勉強中心なのに疑問を持ってシュタイナー教育をオーストラリアで学んだそうだが、Taska Nania同様、極端なシュタイナー色はみられないので私には気が楽。まあ、そうでもしないとマレーシアでは子供は集まらないということらしい。12時まで、2時半までと選べて延長保育とスクールバス有。
何軒か幼稚園めぐりをしてみて、シュタイナー教育を取り入れているところ以外は、日本人幼稚園も含めて、タカラぐらいの小さい子供でもじっとさせられている印象を受けた。私はアラタカラの年齢の子供には読み書きや数字をきっちりとやるより、遊び重視で遊びの中から楽しく学んでほしいので、タカラはTaska Lin、アラタはTaska Nania で決定かな。
Tree tops kindergarten. Sham had visited and she liked it. So I asked her to take there. They have 2 Japanese sessions a week by a Japanese teacher with a small extra money, which is quite appealing. We can choose care till 12 PM, 2.30 PM or 5.30 PM, they have day care (after hour care) and their own school bus. The number of the children is limited to 15 per class and in Takara's age class, there are 2 teachers.
But as they follow both British and Malaysian system, Arata's school year would be with the children who were born in 2004, which means he would be the youngest in the class. They are more study oriented, similar to the Learning Garden, and children learn English, Chinese and Malay. The garden looks a bit hot since there are no tall trees and each room is small and a bit dark, which are drawbacks.
Taska Lin. It's run by Lin sensei, who worked for Taska Nania for a couple of years. It also follows Steiner's method. It's a bit far from our flat and as it is next to IWA, I expected there are lots of mosquitoes. That's the reason I didn't bother to go to have a look. But since other Steiner's kindergarten, Taska Nania, came out be good, I've decided to go to visit. It was actually brilliant.
Lin, who runs the place with her husband and lives there, puts mosquito coils around the garden every morning before children come in. And they put mosquito repellent to children before they go out to play. I still feel unsure about mosquitoes but the kindergarten seems to have more benefit than it. Children play freely and happily. No wonder every single European mother says, "My child goes to Taska Lin." Surely there were lots of European kids.
She doubted about study oriented early year Malaysian education system and she studied Steiner's methods in Australia. Still, similar to Taska Nania, it doesn't look too extreme Steiner, which I like it. Well, otherwise in Malaysia, not many parents want to send their children to Steiner's schools, Nania's principle Junko told me.
We can choose care till 12.00 and 2.30, they have after hour care and own school bus.
After viewing a couple of kindergartens, I have a strong impression that apart from those who follow Steiner method, they are more or less study oriented from early age. Children are sitting quietly and seem to be well disciplined.
I believe Aratakara's age don't need so much study but they rather need more learn through play. I think I will send Aratakara to Steiner's kindergartens.
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