子供に任意の予防接種をいくつか受けさせることにした。Shamの親戚が児科医なので、彼女にGleneagles Medical Centreに連れて行ってもらった。勧められたのはA型肝炎と日本脳炎。どちらもマレーシアでは任意の予防接種だが、ドクターは「自分の孫には受けさせている」と言うし、Shamも「私も子供には受けさせた」と言うのでまずはA型肝炎を接種。半年後にもう一回打つことで一生抗体ができるそうだ。来月は日本脳炎の一回目(全部で3回)。
A型肝炎、英国を出る前にGPで看護婦さんにちらっとマレーシア行きを話すと、その場で打ってくれるというので私もやってもらったが、英国は医療が無料だから。今日は、1人120リンギット(20ポンド or 4000円)ぐらいかかったがこれは保険会社にクレームできるらしい。
Aratakara can now float in the water with their arm floats or floating boards. We go to our swimming pool everyday and they improve their swimming skills very quickly. Takara seems to have talent in sports and picks up technique very quickly. Arata is concentrated lots and determined. 2 different characters and 2 different ways. Interesting.
I've decided to have my boys had some extra immunisation. Sham took us to Gleneagles Medical Centre as one of her relatives is a paediatrician there. Aratakara were recommended to have Hepatitis A and Japanese encephalitis. They are optional even in Malaysia but the doctor said, "I've had my grandchildren had them" and Sham told me her kids had them. For Hepatitis A, you take one now and take another in 6 months, which makes it permanent. And kids need 3 jabs of Japanese encephalitis to complete.
Hepatitis A is not especially recommended for those who live in Malaysia or Singapore but when I mentioned about our move to a nurse at our GP in the U.K., I was given a shot. Well, it is free there but today, I paid RM 120 (20GBP or 4000JPY) per child. I've heard we can claim from insurance company anyway.
One of the Japanese mums I met here said, "You'd better have your kids had Hepatitis A otherwise you can't take them out to eat." Well, I couldn't tell her that we never ate at home and we were always out to hawkers. We even stopped buying bottled water... Children grow antibody naturally....?
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