Youth Parkのプレイグラウンドで午前中遊んだ。ジャングルに近いので蚊よけスプレーを日焼け止めプラス塗らなきゃならないのが面倒くさいが、子供は楽しんだ様子。ここのプレイグラウンドは木陰でなかなかよい。もちろん、私には暑すぎ。
ランチは公園内のカフェでミー・ビーフン。紙に包まれた、マレーシア風お弁当。RM 1.20 (GBP 0.20 JPY 35)。
夕方からLilia一家とドイツ人会主催のSt Martin's ランタン祭りに参加。ドイツ人会ではいろいろなイベント、サークル活動があるが、特に会員でなくても、ドイツにゆかりがなくても、ウエルカム。(・・・というところがXX人会とは違うなあ。)みなさんフレンドリーで楽しかった。次はドイツ人会のプレイグループでも行こうか。
We went to Youth Park. There is a big play ground surrounded by trees. It's closer to the jangle and we had to apply mosquito repellent on top of sun screen.... Boys enjoyed it but as you expect, it was too hot for me.
We had "Mee Behun" at the cafe. It's being sold wrapped with a piece of paper. It must be Malaysian version of sandwiches or bento. Only RM 1.20 (about GBP 0.20, JPY 35).

In the evening, we went to Malaysian-German society with Lilia's family to attend St Martin's Lantern Festival. The German society organise lots of interesting events and circles and usually everybody is welcome, even non-members, non-Germans.... This is very different from Jxxxxxxx Society, which is quite exclusive.... Everybody was friendly and we all enjoyoed it. I will probably join their toddler play group next time.
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