今日はスチームボートだけのスチームボート屋さん、金門火鍋 Golden Gate Steamboat (77 Jalan Cantonment) に行った。ここは好きな材料を頼んでそれによって課金される仕組み。タレは先週の所よりも個人的に好き。私も母も胃が弱っているのでお豆腐など胃にやさしいものを食べて満足。みんなで約60リンギット(10ポンド、1800円)ぐらいだったので、前回と同じぐらいの値段。アラタはウーロン茶をおいしそうに飲むようになった。

We went to Golden Gate Steamboat restaurant, Golden Gate Steamboat (77 Jalan Cantonment). This is not self-service, fixed priced one but we can order ingredients we want to cook. The sources are more tasty than the other restaurant we went a few weeks ago and personally I prefer this one. About RM 60 (GBP 10 or JPY 1800) for all of us. Arata now likes to drink Chinese tea!
Both mum and I are in not good health, especially our digestive system. Since I went to A&E, my stomach ache is still there and I often had a painful attack, even though I take medicine to reduce stomach acid. The one to prevent migraine seems to be working well, though.
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