先週は近所のネイルサロンでペディキュア。足のマッサージ、角質取り、そして親指の3Dのネイルアートがサービスでついて RM 35。6ポンドは安い!
それ以外に今まで試してみた中で、全身マッサージが1時間でRM40、フットマッサージは40分でRM24、フェイシャルは一時間+でRM80・・・(MR1 = JPY30 or GBP0.20)。
Compared to the U.K., everything is cheap in Japan and whenever I was back to Japan, I would go to facial or massage as much as possible. In Malaysia, everything is cheaper than in Japan. It means facial and massages are much much cheaper than in the U.K. You can have foot massage for the price of a Late and a piece of muffin!
I went to the nail salon nearby. I had the pedicure done. It was only RM 35, about GBP 6, including a bit of massage, getting rid of hard skin and 3D nail art on big toes.
Apart from that, I've tried an over an hour long body massage for RM 40, 40 minutes foot massage for RM 24, one hour long facial for RM 80. (MR1 = JPY30 or GBP0.20.)
If we go to a bit more posh places, the prices will be easily doubled. In the beginning, it was still 'very' cheap for me but I'm gradually getting the feelings of the right prices and I never go back to such 'expensive' places any more. On top of that, I feel guilty as I don't earn any more...
うおおお~ やっ安い!! マッサージ、私がたまに行くこりとるんは30分で3000円です。 それだとあんまり気軽には行けないんですよねぇ。
先日ジャカルタとシンガポールに駐在してた友達に会ったら、日差しが強いからたまにフェイシャルとか行ってケアした方がいいよ、ってアドバイスされました。 この値段ならたまに行けそうです。わーい。
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