Sunday 14 December 2008

3Y11M 2Y2M ハリウッド並み Like hollywood






In Penang, there are lots of shows of cartoon characters at shopping malls. I think it's very Japanese, or rather Asian because in the U.K., you usually have to go to see a proper show at theatre. Yesterday, Aratakara went to see Power rangers at Gurney plaza.

Today, at Queens Bay mall, Doraemon and his friends came. Everybody was shouting, "Doreemoon", which was funny for me as we pronounce "DoraEmon" in original Japanese. Anyway, he didn't come out easily. His friends came out first, and in the second show, with 30 minutes interval, the main character, Doraemon, at last came out, after other friends came out first.

So I and Arata ended up to wait for 2 hours.... As soon as Doraemon was out, everybody including grown-ups started to take photos and pushed their ways to try to be nearer.

Interestingly, so many bodyguards were surrounding Doraemon and we were pushed away. I could not believe it. It's just a cartoon character and children want to have a little touch! Even at Leicester Sq, film stars are more casual and relaxed and even talk to us!


Karen said...

Hi All
Sounds like you are all settling in well there. I hope you are making lots of new friends and enjoying the warmer weather! Its been very cold here, but lots of frosts, so it really feels like Christmas is coming. The boys have all been sick, even David was off work with the flu. I have so far remained healthy, although have had a few off days. Do you have a new e-mail address we can send some photos to?
Take care and thinking of you all
love Karen and the boys XX

Anonymous said...


Akira and Taiga said...


さすがに、ドラえもんはないけど、ガーフィールド(着ぐるみ)のショーやDora the Explorerだとか、色々やるよ。大体3日間位、日に3回位のショーがあるから、ひどいときは、5回もショー見てたりするよ。(笑)あ、うちは、巨大ショッピングモールが、歩いて5分のところにあるから、特に夏は、入りびたりなんだ。


Anonymous said...

ドラえもん大人気だね♪ うちも話はまだ
わからないけど ドラえもん大好きよ。
ガーニーでそんなことやってるなんて 知らなかったよ。 キャラクターショーは世界共通だと思ってたんだけど そうでもなかったんだね(笑)

Anonymous said...

ごめんさない。 上記、コメントはまなふみです。

Laksa said...

