今日はラササヤンホテル(Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa Hotel) のサンデーランチビュッフェへ。クラウンはいつもいるらしいが、イースタースペシャルという事で、イースターバーニーまでいて盛り上がっていた。ペナンでトップクラスのホテルだけあって、ワイン飲み放題、デザートの種類は豊富、そしてイースタースペシャルケーキがいろいろあって、豪華なビュッフェだった。ラササヤンのサンデーランチは、ホテルに隣接するアドベンチャーゾーン(ソフトプレイエリア)に無料で入場できる特典がついている。

On Good Friday, Arata had an egg hunting at his kindergarten. He had been having a temperature till just before Friday but his will power to attend the event overcame it. He was fine on Friday morning and brought back an egg with his own painting.
Every year Jason bakes our hot cross bans. But it's not common to have an oven in Malaysia and we don't have one. To be honest, I didn't even care when the Easter was but definetely it's one of the important events for Jason. On Satrurday, hot cross bans were on breakfast table. I was quite surprised. Where did he buy them?? Jason had managed to hide a couple of easter egg chocolates for boys to hunt. Arata was quite happy and said, "Easter bunny came to my place, too!"
We went to Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa hotel for Sunday buffet. They always have a clown for Sunday buffet and they also had an Easter Bunny today. It's one of the top hotels in Penang, and the food was delicious with wide selection of sweets. They had lots of special Easter cakes!
Rasa Sayang Sunday buffet includes free entry to the Adventure zone. It's a big indoor play area and Aratakara made full use of it. They had a special Easter Party outside as well and Arata attended another egg hunting in the big garden. It was really worth paying for the buffet lunch!
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