

Takara is already 2 and half a years old. He has turned out to be a very active boy. He is still very short tempered and often throws toys, bites or hits someone when he gets angry.... It is often Arata who cries nowadays... It's still long way to go but hopefully it will be easier in another 6 months!
Arata could concentrate on doing sticker books at his age but Takara doesn't seem to take interest. The difference of their personalities are getting more clear. Takara is still very cuddly though as when he was a baby.
It was quite early that Takara tried to sit on the toilet seat as he has an elder brother to copy from. But at the moment, he is not interested in potty training. From time to time, he does it in the toilet but most of the time, he insists to do it in his nappy. It's quite interesting that when he is in the swimming pool, he always comes out and says, "Wee wee!" to wee standing.
I've recently realised Takara can use scissors very well and we bought a new pair for him. The bus in this photo is one of the pictures he cut. When Arata was at his age, I only gave him a plastic pair as I felt unsafe to let him use a proper ones. I wonder where Takara tried and learnt how to use scissors. He can already cut paper continuously.
Jason let Takara try to help doing dishes. I wouldn't let him do it as I am impatient. Anyway, Takara looked very content and happy to do it.
Takara can walk holding hands longer now. Until recently he always asked us to carry him or often ran away, releasing hands. He hasn't needed any nap for a while, and he may stop using his buggy quite soon.
English. As Takara plays with lots of Japanese friends and I stopped going to work, his Japanese has improved a lot. For English, I'm not sure how much he can speak as he never speaks to me, it was the same for Arata when he was younger - I heard him speaking English for the first time much much later.
The funny thing is Takara speaks Malaysian English. Jason heard him saying, "Can not" when he wanted to say "Don't do that" and when he got hurt he said, "Oli is hurt already". ("Already" is typically used by Malaysian when they want to emphasis 'past'.) Even Arata, who had English basic when we moved here, has started to use "Can not" a lot and how can we stop Takara from 'mastering' Manglish...
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