左の耳の中が炎症を起こしていて、そこにプールの水が入り、激痛を誘発したのかもしれないという診断。抗生物質(KLACID suspension 125mg/5ml 6日コース)をもらって帰ってきた。家に着くころはタカラ回復。

火曜日の午前中、近くのクリニックへ。抗生物質が吐き気を催すこともある、コースが終了しないうちに24時間空けたからまた初めからやり直し等、再び6日コースの薬を処方されそうになる。60%は終了しているのだから、また一週間は・・・と言うと、抗生物質(Zithromax Suspension)3日コースに変更。吐き気止めももらい帰宅。

一段落して検索してみると、初めに処方された薬、KLACID suspensionはマクロライド系のクラリスロマイシン。検索中に「マクロライド系の過敏症」という言葉がヒットする。元々アレルギー傾向のあるタカラがこの抗生物質に反応したのかもしれない。
更に調べていると、次に処方されたZithromax Suspensionもマクロライド系アジスロマイシン。マクロライド系に過敏症の既往歴がある人は注意とある。
Last Thursday, Takara complained one of his ear terribly soared. We don't usually take boys to doctor for small things but that time, I decided to do that. The doctor told me Takara's left ear got inflammation, some water must have trapped during swimming lesson earlier which caused the terrible pain. Takara was prescribed some antibiotics (KLACID suspension 125mg/5ml - 6 day course). By the time we got home, he was better.
He spent the weekend without any problem. On Monday after the football class, he started to complain he was so tired. He then slumped off the chair while waiting for our dinner at Kapitan. Jason took him home immediately and he went to bed straight. During the night, he got up many times to throw up. He screamed and cried for help. My heart really sank. In the end, he had nothing to vomit, the yellow liquid from the stomach came up...
On Tuesday morning, I took him to a nearby clinic. The doctor said sometimes antibiotics causes nausea, as he hadn't finished his 6 days course, and he'd left it more than 24 hours, he had to start a course again. She tried to give him 6 day course again. I insisted to give him shorter one, as he'd finished 60%. She finally agreed to give him 3 day course of antibiotics (Zithromax Suspension) together with anti-nausea.
Takara felt slightly better after coming home, and he had some food and drinks. But he got worse again. He went to bed by himself to lie down. From time to time, he got up to go to the toilet to vomit. Each time, he didn't forget to flash the toilet, wipe his mouth, wash his hands, then going back to bed. He did everything quietly without asking my help. I felt sorry for him, he probably didn't even have any strength to make a fuss as usual.
I was so worried as this is the first time he kept vomiting. We were worried about his dehydration. Takara started to recover after sleeping from early evening of Tuesday till lunch time on Wednesday.
We haven't started the second course of antibiotics. Takara became sick during a course of antibiotics and it's obvious that it's not any type of bacterial infections. Possibilities are either allergic reaction to the antibiotics or viral infections. If the cause is former, we don't want to give him any more antibiotics.
We searched on the internet. The medicine prescribed on Thursday was KLACID suspension, a macrolide antibiotic, Clarithromycin. Some people have allergic reaction to this chemical. Takara might have reacted to this. Then I learnt the antibiotics prescribed on Tuesday, Zithromax Suspension, is AZITHROMYCIN, another macrolide antibiotics. If you have a history of allergic reaction to macrolide, you shouldn't take it....
I then remember Takara had reacted to a type of antibiotics before. Unfortunately I didn't record the name of the medicine, but he started to throw up a few days after starting an antibiotics.
It must have one of our wise decisions. Well, the doctor at the clinic was not quite good. Actually she even tried to prescribe oral anti-nausea tablets, which is impossible for anyone who feels sick. (I asked her to change it to suppositories.)
I felt we must wisely protect our children and ourselves on our own....
These photos were taken at Nania's sports day. Takara is running for a race - run to a chair, put a small bean bag in the hand, run back to the starting line. He didn't start well but while the leading boy was struggling to put his bean bag, Takara swiftly overtook him and ran back!
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