Tuesday 19 March 2013

8Y2M 6Y5M 水泳大会 SCIPS Swimming Gala

自由形レースの後 After free style race



自由形、手を広げて飛び込む割には速かった He dived in with his arms wide open for free style, but still fast.


背泳ぎで勝った後 After he won the back stroke

自由形は 人数が多いので3グループぐらいに分けてレース。タイムは計らないが、同レベルの子供でグループを作る。アラタはグループで3位!


背泳ぎのレース Backstroke race


自由形リレー(真ん中) Swimming for the relay (middle)


SCIPS Year 3 & 4 swimming gala at Penang Sport Club.

Areta likes swimming and he even attends the after school swimming class for FOBISIA team. (He is not in the squad, but he decided to do it.)

Children choose races to entry, there are also two categories, long and short distances. Arata enrolled for freestyle and backstroke, both long distance.

For the freestyle, he came 3rd. There were more than one race for year 3 freestyle, but as the groups were decided based on the children's swimming ability, Arata was in one of the strongest teams.

For backstroke, there was only one race for Year 3 boys. And Arata won! During the race, he looked back 4 times to check the goal. If he hadn't done it, he must have been much faster.

Arata also swam for the freestyle relay for year 3 Yellow house. He was the 3rd swimmer in 4 swimmers. When his turn came, the Yellow house was the slowest, but he caught up a lot, and the last swimmer, Oscar also swam very well. Yellow house was in the 2nd out of 4 houses.

Well done, Arata. He can swim better than I thought. Hopefully this will help him boost his confidence.


おじいちゃん・おばあちゃん said...

アラタ !!




(●^o^●) (^0_0^)

Nana Beth said...

Well done Arata. He looks happy and proud so let's hope these results help him to feel better about himself.