Tuesday, 13 January 2015

10Y0M 8Y3M 初スキー Skiing for the first time

アラタカラの人生初スキーは、白馬とガーラ。Aratakara's first ever skiing experiences are at Hakuba and Gala Yuzawa.

白馬では2日間、半日のスクールへ入れ、噂通り、あっという間に滑れるようになった。私は具合が悪く、ゆみちゃんの家での前泊は諦め、一日遅れで到着。ホテルはさいこさん家族と一緒で楽しかった。At Hakuba, we were with Saiko's family. Aratakara took ski lessons and they mastered the  basic skills immediately, as everyone had told me. I didn't feel well and we went their one day later than I planned, and couldn't stay at Yumi's. But  anyway, boys really enjoyed it.

ガーラは親子三人で。 After the new year, we went to Gala Yuzawa.

腰痛は心配だったけど、スキーは意外と大丈夫。但し、転ぶと起き上がれない・・・。日本のスキー場は温泉もあって一石二鳥!I was worried about my backache. But surprisingly it didn't affect skiing, except for the times I fell - I couldn't stand up because of the pain! When we go skiing in Japan, we can also have hot springs, which is really good!

ガーラからの帰り、タカラは「おじいちゃんに雪を見せてあげる」と新幹線内に持ち込んだが・・・一時間かかるので溶けちゃったけど。On our  way back from Gala, Takara was holding a small ball of snow saying, "I want to show snow to Ojiichan." So cute but it took 1 hour to Omiya and all disappeared by then....

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