Sunday 24 April 2016

11Y4M 9Y6M フォビシア FOBISIA



ここ2年ほど重くなってしまい、陸上は残念ながらあまり得意ではなくなってしまったが、Under 9の男女混合リレーでは優勝に貢献。やはり男女混合Under 9のティーボールでも優勝。

水泳は春休みに頑張った成果が少しあったか、25メートル、50メートルのバタフライ、背泳ぎ、個人メドレーで1位、 4 x 25メートル自由形リレーでは3位、4 x 25メートルメドレーリレー(タカラはバタフライ)で2位 と、水泳あまり得意でなかった割には良い成績で自信がついた。



Takara's excellent ability in sports must come from my 80-year-old dad, who is known as 'super grandpa' in his local community.

Takara went to Pataya in Thailand as a member of SCIPS FOBISIA team from 21 to 23 April.

He's put on weight in the last couple of years, and he can't run that fast now. But his team, boys and girls, won mixed relay as well as under 9 tee-ball.

During spring holiday, I was quite frantic to look for a good swimming teacher for him as his butterfly and backstroke were not so good. Probably because of his intense practice, he won 25m and 50m butterfly and backstroke, 4 x 25 individual medley, got the second in 4 x 25 medley relay (butterfly) and 3rd in 4 x 25 free style relay.

On the last day, they played football and got the silver. Takara mainly as a striker boasted that he'd made about 10 goals!

In May, we have another series in Penang. I am really looking forward to it!

1 comment:

おじいちゃん said...


