About 2 weeks ago, we found Arata's face covered with red patches when he came back from a play ground. Within an hour or two, they had gone and we didn't think about it seriously. But since a couple of days ago, it's been getting worse. When he is outside, the patches appear and when he is inside, they disappear. Yesterday morning, I found a few rash in his keens and feet, as well. And when we arrived at the shopping centre at about 5 minutes walk, I was shocked to see not only his face but his hands covered with so many patches. Some of them even had blister like bits and my first impression was Arata got chicken pox? But again within one hour, they almost gone.
I was quite sceptical about going to see a GP, but anyway, I made an emergency appointment. While being in the waiting room, Arata's condition improved and when we saw a doctor, most of the patches are gone. The doctor looked at his ears and said he still had a bit of inflammation in his ears and patches maybe because he had a cold, and if it's not improved by Thursday, come back to GP. I wasn't really convinced....
This morning, Jason took Arata to the nursery. It's about 10 minutes walk and Arata must have developed plenty of patches. Within an hour, we got a phone call from nursery to bring him back. Nursery can not take children with rash. The time I look forward, Tuesdays are the days I enjoy quiet time without Arata!, and about 60 pounds, the nursery fee per day, were disappeared, even though Arata was not really ill. (Sorry Arata, I shouldn't say this... bad mother...) Accrding to our own research, it's some sort of hives. I hope doctors can diagnose his conditions but would it be possible? What shall I do now....
状況からすると気温差? よくお年寄りが(ごめん)寒くなると痒くなる、老人性掻痒症と言うのがあるじゃない? 水泡になっていると言うのはちょっと違うけど、外気に触れている部分にだけ出ているのだったら、気温か、乾燥じゃないかなぁ。
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