残りの産休生活、運動しようと思い立つ。1ヶ月ほど前から託児所付きのジム、LA Fitnessに通っている。David Lloyd の方がプレイエリア付きのカフェもあってオススメだが、託児所の中が年齢別に分かれているのでやめた。人に預けられる事に慣れていないタカラはアラタと一緒の部屋でみてもらえる方が安心。
私がジムに出かけようとすると、「アラタもジムヘいく。」託児所で遊びたいってことだけど。(写真は少し前にかわのが撮った「あらた おり だっこ」の場面。)
I've decided to join the gym in the rest of my maternity leave and have been doing for nearly a month. The LA Fitness nearby has a creche. I went to view David Lloyd, too. They have a big nice cafe with a play area and their creche is huge. But I decided to join LA as at the creche, I can leave both Aratakara in the same room, Takara would be doing better with his big brother, I thought.
I took them to the creche for the first time on the following Monday I joined the club. When I went back to pick them up, Arata was playing happily. But as soon as Takara saw me, he started to cry as if he was saying, "Why on earth did you leave me here!" A few days later, I left only Takara, but with the same result. I haven't used the creche since. It costs only 7 pounds for 2 kids up to 2 hours. It's a bargain. But it's not as convenient as I thought as the space is limited and it's not quite possible to just pop in to leave them and go to the gym.
I mostly go to the gym in the early evening after Jason finishes his work. If I just go to attend a class and come straight home, it takes only less than 1.5 hours. Not bad. I love aerobics or step classes. Moving my body along some music is such fun. My favourite classes so far are body step on Tue and Thurs. I always saw a couple of male in aerobics type of classes when I would go to the gym near the city in London. But here in Woking, I've only seen women. It's always a mixture of those who come to the class after work, and mothers who leave their children to their husbands!
When I am leaving for the gym, Arata says, "Arata is coming to the gym, too." Of course, he wants to play in the creche! (This is a photo taken by Kawano a few weeks ago. Arata was cuddling Takara.)
laksaさん、そっちにもLA Fitnessってあるの?っていうか、そこが本店?それともただ名前が一緒なだけかな?私がここで行ってるジムもLA Fitnessで、全米展開してるチェーンの巨大ジムなんだよね。託児所は二人で一月、預け放題で2400円だよ。でも海里が本当に泣くから行ってもすぐ放送で呼ばれちゃって集中できないから結局月に1回くらいしか行けていない。もったいない。体動かすのは気持ちいいよねー!>
こっちも、LA Fitnessって言うジムって言うか、Jenny CraigみたいなWeight Lossセンターがあったんだけど、先週、突然倒産しちゃって、ニュースで騒がれてたよ。アメリカ本社って言ってたから、同じかなあ。
私は、Maidenheadに居る時に、David Lloydに入ってたよ。プールもあるジムで、子供の水泳教室とかあったし、タオルとか使い放題で、すごくお気に入りのジムだったよ。う~ん、懐かしい。>
今更ながらDavid Lloydにしておけばなあってちょっと思う。結局クレシュがあまり使い物にならないのよね~。>
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