The Westin Dragorana Resort
(Westin Kids Club)
We went on holiday in Malta for 5 days. After a busy project at work, I earned enough over time money and I also needed to use up my annual holiday. As Jason has been busy at work, he at first told me to go without Aratakara. But he'd been under enormous stress from work and looking after children, I thought it'd be better for me to take children with me and give him his own time. (Well, to be honest, I didn't really mean it when I mentioned it because if Jason was Japanese, he would have said, "Don't worry, just go and enjoy yourself." And I was secretly hoping that he would say so. I again forgot that he is not Japanese! I often get confused as he speaks good Japanese!)
Anyway, thankfully, my friend Kawano agreed about taking Aratakara with us and we decided to stay in a hotel which has a Kids club in it. It's
The Westin Dragorana Resort.
We, hotel guests, can leave our children as long as we want at the
"Westin Kids Club"
free of charge. Fantastic! On the first occasion, we left Aratakara for nearly 2 hours but they were so miserable and kept crying, I was called back. So on the day we decided to leave them for 4 hours, I told Arata that mummy and Kawano were going to work. I promised to come to pick them up not too late, they usually stay at nursery for nearly 10 hours a day, and I told them I would buy toy buses, famous orange Maltese ones. It worked well and they were happy being there. But when I left them again while we were packing and checking out, for less than an hour, Aratakara were again unhappy. Takara kept crying more than half an hour. I learnt that I have to give them a proper reason to make them agree even though they are used to going to nursery...
In the evening, we could go out for a drink after the children went to sleep. The baby monitor I took there was very useful! Although we couldn't go to the gorgeous hotel lounge for a drink, as the monitor's signal couldn't reach, we found a bar at a restaurant just behind our room and we could relax there.
The temperature was over 15C and it was nice. Of course, it was too cold to dip in the sea but we enjoyed indoor swimming pool or jacuzzi. We went to Valletta on a local bus and Kawano and I made a trip to Marsaxlokk to see the fish market without kids one day.
I have to say really thank you to Kawano. Without her help, I couldn't have done it. Especially on the flight, she played with Arata and even took him to the toilet! I really appreciate it. I feel a bit guilty as I wasn't able to warn her that meal time would be the most difficult time, as I'm so used to it. She must have been shocked to realise that we couldn't eat peacefully at all.
On the last night till we came home, I had a terrible stomach problem and kept vomiting. Did I eat bad fish or was it because of stress?
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