We didn't teach him but Takara likes kissing, of course, mouth to mouth!
(I captured the moment he kissed Lucy when he was only 10 months old.)
Whenever he feels like, he comes to us to kiss. He wakes up first in the morning, he then sits on bed and says, "Mammaaaa." When I open my eyes, he smiles back and comes to kiss me. I have to get up!
A couple of days ago, when Jason went to nursery to pick him up, he was asked to sign "accident form." It's a record of any accidents and after carer explains us what happend, we give them acknowledgement. The carer said to Jason, "When Oliver tried to kiss a girl, he was bitten his lips!" Surely, his lips were a bit red and swollen.
Jason has witnessed Takara cuddling a girl at nursery as well. We are now sure that Takara openly cuddles and kisses girls in public!
Haha. He is such a great character! I expect nothing but genius characteristics when he grows up, whatever his field is going to be. Just make sure you don't inadvertently try to dampen his creativity.>
Kati, yes, Oli is, we call him already, funny! He has a good sense of humour. We will definitely come to see you and your baby dog. I'm sure Oli will be excited about touching him, but Arata won't.>
Kylie さん、そうね、唇を噛まれる前に教えた方がいいよ!! ;-)>
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