ネットで調べるとマレーシアにはサルと同じぐらいそこら中にいるオオトカゲで、モニターリザード(Monitor Lizard)というらしい。今日は会う人会う人にこの話をしたが、そのたびに鳥肌が立つ。これを書くだめでもだめだ。虫だけでもいやなのに爬虫類なんて勘弁してほしいよ。
We've had more cockroaches recently. Our Amah, Christina, said, "They must come in from the drains." I have cockroach phobia. I really hate them. My back shivers if I see just a small one. Even though we are in Malaysia, my friends say they've never seen them. We must be unlucky.
But I got more surprised today. When I was walking down to the main street outside our compound, I saw a huge lizard. Looking back, I think Singapore was very clean because all the dranis were covered. Here in Malaysia, lots of them are missing...
I'd heard some noise from one of the open drain, and I thought it must be a rat. I then looked at the direction. My heart was going to stop. It was not a rat but a huge lizard. I only saw his tummy and tail as he was heading under the covered part. But still I can tell you that it must be more than a meter long.
I told about it to Christina. She said some Malay people catch and eat them. I asked one of the guards jokingly, "Please go to catch and eat it." He said no. Oh, of course, he is a Malaysian Indian.
He said unless it was inside, it doesn't matter. But in fact the spot I saw the lizard was only abut 20 meters from our flat. Jason said he saw the head of a big lizard in the drain just behind our entrance before! (The drain has rails and it could never escape from there, though.) It must be the same one!
After Jason's research we've learnt it is a Monitor Lizard and they are as common as monkeys in Malaysia. I talked about the lizard to everybody I saw today and each time, my back really shivered. Even now, I'm writing this diary, I have goose pimples. I hate just insects and how can I stand lizards?
ゴキの居ないイギリスから来たら、嫌だろうね。大家さんに言ってPest Control入れてもらったら?パッタリ居なくなるよ、きっと。
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