Monday 4 May 2009

4Y4M 2Y7M アラタの幼稚園 Arata's kindergarten


アラタの通うナニア幼稚園(Taska Nania)の英語クラスは、主に中華系マレーシア人、そして数名のヨーロピアンの約20人が在籍。先生は2人。誕生日によってクラス分けをしないから、3歳から6歳までが同じクラスにいる。年上の子供は下の子の面倒をよくみるし、下の子は上の子から刺激を受ける。横割りの普通の幼稚園よりもとても自然な集まりなのがいい。




と言うわけで、ナニア幼稚園、期待以上にいい感じ。そうなると、アラタ、英国ならレセプションの学年(英国在住なら無料教育開始の年齢、義務教育ではない)が始まる今年の秋から、英系インターナショナルスクールのセントクリストファーに転校させるか、Year 1 (英国では義務教育)が始まる来年の秋まで待つか悩んでしまうのだ。

問題は、セントクリストファーが日本人学校のように就学年齢の子供全てを受け入れないこと。定員があって、常にウエイティングリスト状態だから、来年からと決めた所で義務教育相当にもかかわらず、Year 1 から入れる保証がない。入れなかったらいったいアラタの学校教育どうしたらいいんだろう。アラタ、英国籍なのになあ・・・。何かいい方法ないかしら。

May 5th is Children's day in Japan. Arata made Koinobori and Kabuto at kindergarten.

Arata goes to a kindergarten called Taska Nania. He is in the English class. Majority of his class is Malaysian Chinese children and there are a couple of European. There are 20 children in the class with 2 teachers. As this kindergarten don't divide children into different classes based on their age, children between 3 and 6 years old are in the same class. I like this idea. Older children look after younger ones and younger ones learn from older ones.

They play in the sand pit, catching and touching caterpillars or warms, feeding rabbits or fish. They also make bread from time to time. Arata is experiencing a lot of things I don't dear to prepare at home for him. Taska Nania think playing using imagination is important for children. They have lots of nice wooden blocks or balls as toys. Well, Arata often complains there are not many toys there, though....

Taska Nania follow Steiner method and they don't teach children writing and reading until their final year. When Jason and I attended a parent meeting recently, lots of Chinese Malaysian mothers were worried whether their children can keep up with other children from other kindergartens when they start primary school. At ordinary local Chinese kindergartens, children start learning writing and reading as early as 3 years old and in all 3 languages: English, Chinese and Malay!

The teachers tried to reassure the parents it's more important for the children at these age to learn basic social skills through playing. They admitted the children from Nania are a little bit behind from the others who attended ordinary local kindergartens. But thorough their past experiences, they believe within half a year, children can catch up with the others. Is it good or bad? I don't know.

I'm not a follower of the Steiner method but I agree that it's more important to play than to learn writing for Arata's age. What I believe strongly is 6 years old children can learn writing much quicker than 4 years old. At most, I don't want my children to waste their time!!

So I think Taska Nania is better than I expected. I am now a bit indecisive about when I should switch Arata to the British International School, St Christopher's. We have been thinking he should start his reception year from this autumn at St Christopher's, simply because if he was in the U.K., it would be the first free education year (but still not compulsory). Or shall we wait till autumn next year, when Arata starts his Year 1, compulsory education in the U.K.

The main problem is St Christopher's don't take all the school year children, unlike Japanese school in Penang. They only take limited number of children and lots of people are always on their waiting list. This means even if we decide, "Ok let's do it from next year", there is no guarantee that he will have a place next year, although it's supposed to be the first year of his compulsory education. I don't know what to do if he can't get a place at school. After all, Arata is British, but still like this.... Any good ideas??


まりこ said...


miwa said...

ナニアはとっても楽しそうだね~ アラタくんにも合ってるみたいだし。

私も泣く泣く早く帰ってくるのを承知で転園したけど、まなりおはとても楽しそうなのでよかったなと思っています。なんかね、やっぱ学校っぽいよ。 けっこうマメにプリント類とか来るわ。 ちこさんは問題ないと思うけど、私は辞書ひきまくり~




Laksa said...







Akira and Taiga said...

今、ちょっと日本に帰ろうかと悩んでる私と同じ。明も来年の1月からPrep School(義務教育ではないが、小学校の一環で無料)が始まるんだけど、もし日本に帰ってしまったら、ただの「幼稚園」で、せっかく「学校」にあがるて盛り上がってる明がかわいそう。それに、日本の幼稚園と、Prepと言えども小学校の一環で朝の9時から午後3時まできっちり行くのと大違い。

うちは、State School(公立)だから、学区内のうちは必ず入れるから、戻ってくれば入れるんだけど。


Laksa said...

