Friday 26 November 2010

5Y10M 4Y1M 人形劇 Puppet show




Arata has joined Nania's craft circle since April. It's every Friday, after normal hours and when he comes home, Arata is often exhausted because the children have to concentrate for 2 hours! No wonder every time Arata brings back quite sophisticated work.

Today, they performed a puppet show. They spent more than a month to prepare for today. Arata's puppet is really good. I am quite impressed. He's sometimes complained that he wouldn't continue the class because most of the craft involves thread and needles, and of course, Arata has often pierced his fingers!

But after today's performance, he said, "I want to do the craft next year again."

1 comment:

おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん said...



